
Offbeat is a blog about the fantasy genre, featuring news and commentary on books, comics and writing. Enjoy!

Friday, December 14, 2007

So Cliché!

I had to blog about this, I really just did. For months, I've been seeing an increasing number of writers worry over being "cliché." It's one thing to look at those "Top Clichés" lists and joke about them, it's totally another to alter your entire story based on the fact that you can check off ten things on the list.

In my humble opinion, it doesn't matter. It doesn't. Okay, so yes, if you can check every item on the list, you're in a sad, sad place. Go rewrite. Other than that. It's just not something to obsess over. But, a lot of writers are - especially fantasy writers, because we have those fun lists that drive people like me bonkers.

The key is to write something worthwhile, that people will enjoy. Yes, it's a good idea to strive for originality, but a little cliché never killed anybody. One of my favorite books is a really, really predictable love story. But the characters were so engaging, I couldn't put it down!

So, am I saying go to these lists and start getting ideas? No, that I would avoid. But if you find you've got a couple things that match the list? You're cool man, don't freak. Yes, even if your story features an orphaned farmboy. I know you can make it work.

Now that I've shared my opinion, what about everyone else? Of the same mind, or do you disagree? Let me know!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, Eddings' work is very cliche,for example - it uses such familiar stereotypes as the ancient bearded wizard, the peasant boy who becomes king, shapechanging wolves etc. It is enjoyable because it uses familiar themes, but it is also tedious because of this. In short, the Belgariad is a comfortable read when you have a flu, but hardly an earth-shaking experience.

Original ideas are important in fantasy, imho. Just because there are not enough of them does not mean they are not needed.