
Offbeat is a blog about the fantasy genre, featuring news and commentary on books, comics and writing. Enjoy!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Welcome to Offbeat!

I have arrived!

Okay, so most of you (the polite and less sad way of saying zilch, since I never announced Offbeat before it launched) weren't eagerly awaiting my online debut like I was, making that exclaimation slightly much. But now I've got it out of my system, and we should all be thankful for that.

Offbeat is my new and shiny blog, which features commentary on fantasy books and comics (and occasionally general book news, since fantasy books are books, after all, and things effecting the industry as a whole are interesting to post about). So yes, no movie or game stuff, but you wouldn't want me commentating that anyway. Just trust me.

So, why Offbeat? Well, for those of you wondering, and those who weren't, I wanted to name the site Fantasy Fan (which became my pen name). But of course, someone else had taken it. That pushed me to plan B, Offbeat, because I'm an offbeat fantasy fan who doesn't really like a lot of traditional stuff that's filling up bookshelves.

In the coming months I hope to invite authors to post, (or at least convince them to let me interview them), share news and other tidbits with you, and generally waste the time I'm supposed to be using for writing.

Offbeat's Quick News:
Daily Dose of The Web

On most days, if I'm feeling up to it, I'm going to give you a couple of tidbits to chew on from the rest of the web, that I found particularly interesting. Here are today's!

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