
Offbeat is a blog about the fantasy genre, featuring news and commentary on books, comics and writing. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Best Book of the Year: Harry Potter

Newsweek Magazine's Malcom Jones, in a Newsweek Web Exclusive, has chosen fifteen of the best books of 2007. Topping the list is J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I have to completely agree with this decision, and so, no further comment will be made.


plaid said...

An offbeat fantasy blog! Yay! A blog after my own heart. I did like the final HP, but what I really enjoyed was the little sum-up at the end, where you see how they all ended up.

NiennaC said...

plaidearthworm - Thanks! And you're right, that sum up at the end was really good :)